Our online store http://www.lepenioti-winery.gr operates in accordance with the current Greek and Community legislation and disciplined to the current provisions of N2472/97 regarding the security of your personal data.
The visitor, member or customer of lepenioti-winery.gr is obliged, before using the services of our e-shop, to be informed of the terms of use published on its pages. He must accept them in their entirety without objection.
Lepenioti-winery.gr is entitled to make any changes to its structure, its policies, its terms of use, without any notice to its member-customers, only by publishing them on its pages.
Each visitor can browse the lepenioti-winery.gr online store without providing any personal information.
Your personal data (name, telephone number, address, postal code, city-region, country, e-mail, profession, company or business name, etc.) will only be requested:
– if you decide to proceed with an order in order to enable its execution,
– If you wish to register as a member of our shop.
The visitor, member or customer of lepenioti-winery.gr must maintain a business, which enables him to sell wines so that he can issue a purchase invoice with a minimum order number of half a pallet.
Transaction Security
Lepenioti-winery.gr guarantees the security of the transfer of customer-member data
Competent Dispute Resolution Courts
The member-client accepts that if a dispute arises due to the use of the services of lepenioti-winery.gr , the competent courts for its resolution are the courts located at the headquarters of the lepenioti-winery.gr holder.
Your use of the services of lepenioti-winery.gr and your visit to its pages is optional and entirely at your own risk.
We are not liable or obliged to pay any compensation for any damage of any kind suffered by you as a result of your use of the services of lepenioti-winery.gr or your tour of its pages.
The same applies to any possible damage of any kind you may suffer due to the use of links on our site and which are provided for your convenience and comfort.
Πνευματική Ιδιοκτησία
The Content of the website is the property of lepenioti-winery.gr and/or, as the case may be, the legal beneficiaries of the posted products and services, and the names, images, logos and distinguishing features that represent lepenioti-winery.gr, the e- shop and/or the posted products and/or services of third parties which constitute trademarks and/or distinctive features of it and/or the third parties contracted with lepenioti-winery.gr, their beneficiaries and their use is governed by the Greek and Community legislation on trademarks, on the protection of industrial and intellectual property, on unfair competition and any other relevant.
In any case, their appearance and display on the e-shop website should in no way be perceived as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them. Any copying, distribution, transfer, processing, resale, creation of derivative work or misleading the public about the real owner of the Content, the trademarks and therefore distinctive signs included in the e-shop is prohibited.
Any reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes, beyond the use of the e-shop for the purchase or informing the user about the products and services available , according to the Terms, is allowed only with the prior written permission of lepenioti-winery.gr or the beneficiary of the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.
If you have any questions or queries relating to the Terms and Personal Data of our store, please do not hesitate to contact our relevant department.